PSD Automatic Doors Solutions

“PSD (Power Sliding Door) automatic doors are commonly used in various public places such as Metro bus stations, airports, and Orange train stations.”

These doors are designed to open and close automatically using an electric motor or pneumatic system, providing convenience and accessibility for people with disabilities or those carrying heavy objects.The use of PSD automatic doors is beneficial in many ways. Firstly, they improve accessibility, allowing people to easily enter and exit a building without having to physically push or pull a door. This makes it easier for people with mobility impairments or disabilities to move around freely.

PSD Doors Automated Systems


The doors are designed to open quickly and reliably to allow for smooth and efficient passenger flow. Some metro bus stations also have additional safety features such as safety sensors that prevent the doors from closing if an object or person is detected in the doorway.

Overall, automatic doors at metro bus stations can help improve the user experience for passengers by providing easy and safe access to the station, especially for those with disabilities or limited mobility.

Secondly, they increase safety and security by reducing the risk of accidents such as door slams, collisions, and entrapment’s. PSD automatic doors are equipped with safety sensors that detect the presence of objects or people in their path, causing them to stop or reverse direction if necessary.


Orange train stations may also have automatic doors to provide a convenient and accessible entry and exit for passengers. Like with metro bus stations, these doors are typically activated by sensors that detect the presence of a person approaching or leaving the station.

The automatic doors at orange train stations are designed to operate efficiently and safely, with sensors that detect any obstructions in the door’s path and prevent the doors from closing on passengers. The doors are also usually equipped with emergency release mechanisms that allow passengers to open the doors in case of an emergency.

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