Local and grid Connected Intelligent operational mode.
Highly Adaptable.
Time optimization.
Fixed time mode.
Multi-plan mode.
Vehicle actuated mode.
Multi-plan vehicle actuated mode.
Police control mode.
UTC-link mode.
Pelican mode.
Integrated Pelican mode.
Grid connected mode.
Flashing amber mode.
Go-Green link mode.
XITS (XIM Intelligent Transportation System) link mode of operations.
Provision for SCATS link.
XIM personal digital identity and incorporated Anti-Theft Technology.
Programming by XIMP (XIM Programmer).
Various VA (adaptable time based on vehicle volume instead of fixed time countdown) and non-VA mode of digital countdown operations.
Ensured Safety by lamp monitoring.
Module Architecture Design.
Scalable to integrate others ITS systems i.e. VMS, Video cameras, ANPR, Red Light camera, Congestion monitoring system, Journey time monitoring system, etc.
Economical and cost-efficient design for all type of intersections.